Some of you know that I’ve spent much of the past ten years actively engaged in studying organizational dynamics and leadership development. I have found this to be a fascinating area for learning and growth – personally and professionally – and have enjoyed watching this field begin to blossom especially in the Jewish not-for-profit sector. In becoming familiar with religious and secular materials, I am always looking for new, interesting, exciting approaches toward better synagogue management and operation.
I am DELIGHTED that a new book was published by the Alban Institute press. Sacred Strategies: Transforming Synagogues from Functional to Visionary is the latest in a recent flourishing of titles specifically geared to the Jewish institutional world. I have been anticipating this book since first hearing of the work going into it. (I think there was a change or two from initial publisher, as it’s taken more time than I expected.) Its authors – Isa Aron, Steven M. Cohen, Lawrence A. Hoffman and Ari Y. Kelman – are among the pioneering teachers in applying organizational best practices to the field of congregational transformation; it should be stimulating to learn from their collaboration.
The joint work of these colleagues again speaks to the dictum of the ancient rabbis: hafoch ba v’hafoch ba – “turn it and turn it again” – that there is always something more to be learned, discovered and uncovered in ANY important area of study – when we look at it anew, or with a new perspective. As our congregation has just engaged a new leadership team, I will be interested in looking to this new resource for renewed inspiration in our sacred work together.
(For more about this publication, visit http://alban.org/bookdetails.aspx?id=9036)
What’s your "sacred strategy?" - what's inspired your passion recently? Would love to know…
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