Thursday, April 15, 2010

butterflies and brakhot - what do we learn? who teaches us?

Somehow this butterfly got into our screened-in porch today. When Vered came home from school, she pointed it out to me. Wow - first I wondered how it got in. Then we just gazed at how cool it looks. A momentary, beautiful distraction from the "busy-ness" of the day. How often we let these moments get away from us - and how often we fail to appreciate the good stuff of life when we have it...

Today, I learned of the passing last week of Ellis Rivkin, long-time professor of history at HUC-JIR, and truly a pioneer in his field (well, he was 92!). It seems that every few months, we hear of the death of one of the luminaries of the previous generation - one of our beloved teachers, or elected officials, or cultural icons. And particularly in the case of our teachers and mentors, it's at these times that we reflect on how much they brougth to our lives, or influenced the path we've taken. Why then is it so easy for us to take these special people for granted while we still have the chance to express our gratitude to them (that is, to share our appreciation to our teachers while they're still around!).

So today I ask you: who's among your favorite, greatest, most influential teachers? Let me know, as I'm interested; but more - let THEM know. I bet it will be a butterfly moment.


  1. I loved mr. Shapiro's phsyics class - it was always interesting and fun. French on the other hand........

  2. My best friends are the ones who teach me. Their passion and enthusiasm and vast amounts of knowledge (in whatever field they love) always amazes and inspires me.
