One of the fundamental features of our society, as set out in the Constitution of the United States, is the notion of Separation of Powers. Though stemming from thinkers as far back as ancient Greece, the Separation of Powers is one of the elements that distinguished U.S. government structure since its inception. As every young student learns (or should learn!), this is what allows for *checks and balances* among the three Federal branches, and fosters balance among the Judiciary, Legislative and Executive functioning bodies.

A few key examples at play include:
- Senate Republicans outright refusing to hold hearings for confirmation on the President's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. They are willfully ignoring one of the basic roles outlined in the Constitution.
- GOP members in both houses dragging their feet regarding common sense gun control - which is sought by an overwhelming majority of the country, no matter where on the political spectrum. Special thanks in this regard is due in this regard to the money-hungry gun lobby, particularly the NRA.
- Denial to address comprehensive immigration reform, and the blatant disregard of the vital immigrant history of our nation. This one is highlighted just today, as the Supreme Court, deadlocked at a 4-4 decision (directly related to not filling the last seat) on upholding a Presidential executive order that was challenged by Texas, refers that back to the lower court, effectively undermining the powers of both the other branches.
The list goes on. And I'm certain we are nowhere near the end of this systemic blockade which impacts us every day in so many ways.
HOWEVER -one power that supersedes the checks & balances that have been broken by the GOP-held Congress. And that is the power of the vote. The only way to overcome the frustration and disappointment in how our government is limping and wounded in its ability to perform is to remove those who are responsible for this overall impasse. It is time to end the tenure of the far-too-many members of Congress whose sole priority is their own standing, while relying on and deferring to the corporations and lobbyist who seem to line their campaign pockets in return for electoral support and policy votes.
If Republican officials won't do their job, if they won't uphold their Constitutional obligations, if they won't serve our needs, then we the people must act. It is up to us, the true holders of political clout, to be the agents of change.
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