Human beings are watchers. We have an
innate need, even compulsion, to see what’s going on with others. We are always
looking to get some satisfaction from what we see in, and about, the people in
our lives, and especially those we don’t even know ourselves. In the most
benign instance, it’s no more than “people watching.” The usually innocent observing
passersby at the mall, a concert, in the park – wherever – and imagining who
they are, what they’re up to, perhaps their conversations, motives, and
realities. Yet we are not wired to be merely observers, onlookers, or voyeurs;
deep in the human psyche we long to be engaged * spectators* - willing active
participants from the sidelines, egging on the action, cheering and jeering the
players in the episodes taking place in front of us. And this has been true
Think about it: David takes on Goliath –
before this story became a metaphor for the underdog, it is a brutish myth
about the likely obliteration of a weakling by a gruesome and powerful
strongman. Gladiators in the Roman Coliseum provided such entertainment, not
merely as words on a page, whether fighting one another or attempting to subdue
wild beasts. Medieval jousting contests pitted knight against knight in violent
quests for blood and valor. In our own day, much of the same can be said of pro
wrestling and the NFL, with their amped-up, testosterone-fueled exhibitions to
demonstrate physical and emotional dominance over an opponent.

How do we return sportsmanship to the playing
field of public life?
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