This morning, Ben came downstairs ready to leave for school, dressed in all black - black shirt, black shoes, the whole thing. I asked "what's with the outfit?" He responded "it's for blackout day, one of our spirit days" (one day each month, the school conducts a "spirit day", you know, wearing the school logo, a particular color, pajamas, crazy socks, whatever). "So what do you do for spirit day?" I went on. "Well, you dress up in outfit of the day, and if you want, you bring in a dollar for the charity we're supporting - like the food pantry, or some other cause. Today we're supporting Reins of Life (ok, I've got to admit, I had to look it up for a reminder. "Reins of Life" is a local organization here in South Bend that provides therapeutic horseback riding. For more on this wonderful outfit, please visit www.reinsoflife.org).
"So Ben, what does Reins of Life do?" "Well, they help out people through horseback riding." "What people do they help?" I asked, truly interested in the answer. "People with disabilities, children and adults." "Wow," I said, "that's neat." "Yeah dad, it's neat that we get to support them too."
Aha - game over, day made. What a great feeling to start the day knowing my kid "gets it". That being fortunate over all - healthy, not lacking anything essential - he knows his "job" is to help others who are in need in some way. I asked him one final question: "do you feel good helping others?" "Sure, I feel good helping - but more important, it's tzedakah - the right thing to do."
One day, I hope to live up the standard he sets.
Apples and trees....