Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Fifteen years and the future is all ours

Today is the 15th (!) anniversary of ordination. I was just looking at our class picture (and it’s nice that I’m in touch with nearly everyone in it, to some degree or another) and my s’micha (rabbinical diploma). It’s true that time flies. Or, as my classmate Marc said “has it been that long? It only seems like forever!J” And yes, in some ways it feels like a very long time, and in others, like just the blink of an eye. Of course, I’m prompted to think about what’s happened over these years: having two kids, moving four times, taking on new professional positions, being in and out of touch with friends and family…as well as thinking of the accomplishments I’ve achieved: being involved with hundreds of b’nei mitzvah, funerals, weddings, baby namings, seasons of holy days and religious school (and of course the countless things I wish I’d done, didn’t quite to well, or never got around to…).

On this occasion, even looking back on fifteen (generally very satisfying) years in the rabbinate, I’m pushing myself instead to look forward: as of now, what are my hopes, dreams and visions for tomorrow? Why do I yet want to do, to realize, to become? I think it becomes more challenging to visualize such ambitions as we get further along the path. That’s why it seems so valuable to take time and expend the energy in revitalizing our capacity to imagine possibilities. I kick myself in these moments when I realize that I’ve allowed this childlike sense of wonder and play be masked by the regular “stuff” of life, allowing such hopes and plans to grow dim (I think I’ve just set a new priority for myself for the coming weeks – to really get in touch with my own long-term aspirations).

So share – not the great results that have brought you to this day – rather, what are YOUR goals…or hopes…or dreams…let your imagination go wild…who knows what triumphs we might yet achieve.


  1. Congratulations on 15 years in the Rabbinate! And may the next 15 years be joyous ones for you.

  2. Hi Happy Anni...a good blog....havea great vacation

