Friday, August 20, 2010

5770: looking back to move ahead

This Hebrew month of Elul, the one leading up to the High Holy Days, is meant as a time of introspection and reflection. Before we can truly be ready to welcome the New Year, we owe ourselves the chance to look back – for good or for bad – on the year that was. Once Rosh HaShanah arrives, we can already have done the real tough, sacred work of examining the highlights and disappointments (and especially who we have been) from the year now gone.

When pushed, it’s somewhat easy to focus on the “stuff” for which we feel obligated to atone: our pettiness and envy, perhaps how we’ve hurt or alienated our loved ones, the missed opportunities, and how we’ve failed ourselves…I believe this tendency is why Jewish tradition declares that “for transgressions between a person and God, the Day of Atonement (itself) atones.” Going through the process of cheshbon ha-nefesh (accounting the soul), and coming to terms with one’s own faults and foibles effects teshuvah – repentance and return.

Yet I also like to remember that this is a time to consider, in appropriate context, the good and uplifting events and experiences, the satisfactions and accomplishments we’ve achieved. We keep these things not so we can gloat over ourselves (wouldn’t that be counter to the whole point of the season?J); rather, that we can continue through these significant holy days, to cultivate a true sense of gratitude for all that we have. More so, giving thanks for the blessings in our lives – and appreciating the goodness we know – helps us foster that sense of meaning that so many of us seek.

Psalm 27 exhorts: “Look to Adonai – may your heart be strong and courageous.” I challenge you to join me in finding our strength. Looking back on 5770, what are the great highs and lows you’ve experienced? How have they helped shape your life? What have you done of significance (great or small)? And mostly, what are the cherished parts of your experience that propel you into the coming New Year?

1 comment:

  1. This has been a year of many challenges, especially health and being of the "sandwich" generation.

    Biggest step I've taken is trying to boost my prospects of good health by eliminating all indicated food allergens (21) from my diet- this has not been easy and I've committed 100%.

    For the new year, I'm praying for wisdom and strength of heart in coping with family issues and health issues.
