Wednesday, December 21, 2011


HANUKKAH 2011/5772, second night
HODU L'ADONAI KI TOV - "Praise Adonai, for God is good, God's steadfast love is eternal." (Ps. 118: 1).

Today has been the first day of Hanukkah. It is customary to recite the full hallel (Psalms 113-118) on each morning of the festival - explicitly giving thanks to God "for the miracles, for the redemption, for the mighty deeds and saving acts" done for our ancestors (Al Ha-nisim, based on rendering in Mishkan T'filah, p. 556). Through the generations, many beautiful, uplifting musical settings have been written for the rich and inspiring words of these poems of praise.

As we approach the second night of the holiday - I ask you to consider: what are the songs, poems, and music that arouse and express your gratitude for the good stuff of life?

At this very moment - Joe Black's Pitchu Li, Shefa Gold's Ozi v'Zimrat Yah, and Bonia Shur's Hodu L'Adonai come to mind, as they radiate from my iPod. These are a few of my faves...what are yours?


  1. Actually, Bonia's entire Hallel is AWESOME and express my gratitude!

  2. I had the honor as a student to study with him as he worked with a group to put on the whole piece for our celebration of Hanukkah at HUC/Cincinnati...
