Monday, December 26, 2011

OCHO KANDELIKAS, pt. VII: whatever suits you

HANUKKAH 2011/5772, seventh night
(okay - with all these subsequent successive entries, I kinda feel like George Lucas!)
Listening to Radio Hanukkah on Sirius/XM all making maftoul and shnitzel for dinner...
Less than three weeks from now we'll celebrate the milestone of Bar Mitzvah for's more than kinda weird - as I don't think it's struck me yet...Little Jazz has been an exemplary "Bar Mitzvah candidate" - and I'm not just braggin'...he's enjoying the preparation, and has always exhibited a great love of expressing Jewish identity...I've had the honor of working with literally hundreds of B'nei Mitzvah kids and families, and I've NEVER seen anyone get *giddy* while chanting Torah or reading from the prayer book as Ben's overwhelming, additionally being somewhat of a ratification of my entire life...
Today - DJS and I took Little Jazz out to fit for a suit for the big day (months ago, he had wanted just to wear a nice pair of pants, with a bright colorful shirt as I often do for Shabbat; eventually, he told his mother "I think I want a suit." "Why?" Deb responded, "to look like so-and-so?"...."No mom - for the ladies"...ugh, we're so done)....
Well, I guess this is also a milestone - our little Ben-man, getting suited up for the occasion accepting his responsibilities as a young adult in the community. I'm proud of him beyond belief, and grateful that he too has exceeded his parents' modest ability to shape him into the terrific man he will become...

1 comment:

  1. God gives our children, grants us the privilege of watching them grow, and blesses us through them. We have done nothing that could ever deserve such a blessing! Thank you for sharing your joy!
