Friday, October 5, 2012

Hachnasat Orchim #6 - Sukkot 5773

Now we've reached shabbat chol ha-mo'ed sukkot, the intermediary Shabbat during the festival of Sukkot. This remains a time of reflection, thanksgiving and celebration. Of course, in Jewish tradition, the best way to give thanks for the many blessings we know in our lives is to "give back" by supporting worthy causes, and efforts that will have positive effect in our world.
It is also the first Shabbat of October. Anywhere you look, on any given day, you can surely find that some outfit has declared it to be "national such-and-such day" or "national fill-in-the-blank week"....and yet, there are at least three such named opportunities for us to consider now that it is October: it is National Anti-bullying Month; National Mental Health Awareness Month; and Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Nicely - none of these are frivolous or goofy causes. Bullying is a serious issue in our society today; and let us not think that it is limited to the playground or school-yard - our children ONLY pick up their cues in how to behave toward their peers from their parents and other adults. Mental health is an area that affects us all. Thankfully, we continue to become more aware of how varying levels of mental health issues have an impact not only on those who face them directly, but also ALL those who are connected with people who suffer. And of course, one of the great challenges to our society today is the scourge of cancer - particularly the invasive types including breast cancer - which not only attacks the health of the victim, but also wreaks havoc on a whole variety of additional psychological issues for those affected.
And I must say - we are better because of our growing willingness to address and discuss these topics, rather than shy away from the difficulties they pose. Many of us have had too much personal experience with these and other serious issues. Even as we work hard to overcome, conquer the challenges presented by these and more, may this Shabbat of thanksgiving be a time when we can reflect on the many blessings we do know, even when it's hard for us to see....

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