Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Elul 4: "Sunrise, Sunset"? Well, no sunset yet in N. IN

Elul 4: Today the kids started school for the year: Little Jazz in 8th grade, Sister Soul in 6th - both in middle school.  How the heck did this happen?

It's been a beautiful sunny 85 degree day here in N. Indiana - just doesn't seem to fit with "back to school" for this New England native. More so, it's making it harder to wrap my head around the idea of really getting ready for the Holy Days. And yet, that's the point. We can't really "get ready" to celebrate the New Year, to "prepare" for teshuva, or to gear up for the cycle of these yamim nora'im. Rather, we have to accept them as they mark a moment in the ongoing *process* of living a Jewish life, embracing what it means to be a human being, fully, with all of its ups and down, and the baggage we all collect along the way.

Just be careful about the baggage you pack as you continue your journey :)

1 comment:

  1. Lisa-Michelle KucharzAugust 22, 2012 at 5:36 PM

    Nice post. I can very much relate to it and appreciate your advice to be careful of the baggage we pack for our journey. Always proud of you, rabbi.
