Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: Challenges and Triumphs


I turned 45 – Though I’ve never given much thought to the “importance” of the number associated with various birthdays, this one got me. For some reason, the several weeks leading up to May 6th this year were really bothersome. Angst, anxiety, maybe even that mid-life mortality. Thankfully, it’s been great so far; I’ve got almost ½ of 45 left…hope it’s great;

The economy – well I guess nobody’s been left completely unaffected by the slackening of our economy over these last few years. And when DJS lost her position with the URJ – putting aside the many thoughts about the direction of our Reform movement – it ended up putting an unexpected dent in our economy. Like everyone else, we gotta deal with it.

Perspective – sometimes new information comes your way about long-held beliefs and truths that can shake your understanding of self, family and everything else.

Health – mine, thankfully, is fine, as it that of my immediate family. Yet I’ve witnessed too many of my friend, relatives, loved one suffer through the ups and downs of the health rollercoaster. Illness, injury, death – never fun.


Ben becomes Bar Mitzvah – almost  ‘nuff said. A monumental milestone in his life, and the life of our family – the pride I felt in the time of his preparation a year ago has only been surpassed by the real joy in watching him flourish even more so in the time since. Little Jazz is a great young guy; he’s bright and funny, and truly cares….cares about what or whom? You might ask….yes, cares about it all…

Vered blossoms – it must have been at some point in that period when I was fretting about my birthday, and we noticed something almost magical about Sister Soul. She simply bloomed like a (social) flower. Friends, school, camp, music, art, the kitties – you name it, she has grown exponentially in every conceivable way over the last many months. I can’t wait to see what happens next.

Temple – now in my seventh year with TBE – I have great, deep, wonderful, profound feelings for my community. Like anyone, I may doubt my career choices from time to time; there’s no doubting that I am fortunate to serve a loving congregation that will strive to be even more in this New Year.

Camp – clearly nothing is more important in what I do as a rabbi, nor what we do as a congregational movement, than afford the experience of Jewish summer camping for our children (and for those of us adults privileged to participate as well). No better building block of Jewish identity, self-esteem, and life-long relationships. The role I’ve been able to take on with my fellow faculty colleagues has been an honor – both taxing and tremendously uplifting.

20 years! Deb and I marked our twentieth anniversary a few days ago. And the usual platitudes apply: it’s been so long, yet feels like just yesterday; how did it fly so fast? can you believe we made it this long? I’m not old enough to be married 20 yrs, etc…Wow….all that and then some.

I turned 45 – forget what I said above. As dear ol’ dad likes to remind everyone, “It’s better than the alternative.” Hope you’ll join me for the next 45.

Needless to say, the triumphs far outnumbered and outweighed the challenges. Hope yours did too. More so, may 2013 be the best year yet, for us all.


  1. Lisa-Michelle KucharzJanuary 1, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    Interesting post, and I can relate in many ways. Each year is filled with ups and downs, successes and areas for improvement. I'm so happy your triumphs outnumber your challenges, and I hope this will always be the case. Wishing you a fantastic 2013 -- filled with only one challenge . . . how to manage your overflowing cup of triumphs!

    1. Thanks for your comment and kind words. Best of everything in 2013, and always...
