Saturday, December 8, 2012

YEMEI HA-CHANUKAH, pt. I: Little Jazz about to turn 14


Thoughts for these days of Hanukkah 5773

Of all things I remember quite clearly a meeting of the CCAR I attended 14 years ago today. It was the monthly gathering for the New York area region of Reform rabbis - usually a handful to a dozen of us showed up at a given session, yet a few hundred joined together at HUC-JIR for a presentation on the current draft of "Principles of Reform Judaism" to be ratified at the coming spring Conference convention. And this is of course not why I recall that day.
After a lengthy morning discussion, Deb and I accompanied a senior colleague, Rabbi Norman Kahan, to lunch, walking together the many blocks from the College to a favorite middle eastern restaurant, Rectangles. A funny sight we must have made while making our way across the city: Norman, who's bad hip necessitated using a cane to assist his affected gait, and Deb who looked like she was 10 months pregnant.
Needless to say, Ben arrived the next day. There are those (like Deb) who believe that such extensive walking induces labor. And really, who's to argue?
Now with the onset of Hanukkah 5773/2012, so too do we look at celebrating Little Jazz turning 14. Hanukkah 1998 included our family gathering for his B'rit Milah; this time around should be less traumatic for all involved. May it yet be a time of being with loving family and friends.
CHAG URIM SAMEYACH - wishing you a Festival of Lights filled with peace, tasty goodies, and much love.

1 comment:

  1. I loved this! My first son was born during Pesach 5751 after a similar marathon walk (on high heels, as I recall it) through NYC. Happy birthday, and happy Chanukah to you all!
